protecting your home away from home
Whether you own the building that your business operates in, work from home or you lease a space from someone else, a commercial property policy protects your physical assets from the unexpected. Regardless of if there is a minor hiccup or a major loss, you want to have the peace of mind to know that your buildings, inventory, equipment or tools are protected. Because each business is unique, our team will work with you to find the best carrier that covers the property you need to cover at the best available cost. A general liability policy will protect your business if you are responsible for damaging someone else's property but commercial property policy will protect you and your business' property.
If you own your building, property insurance will help pay for repairs, construction and related expenses in the even of a claim. For example, if a tree falls on your coffee shop and you own the building, you would have help from your insurance coverage to pay for the repairs.
Business Personal Property
A commercial property policy can cover all of the things that go into making your business run each day at a specific location. Whether you rent the space you work in or you own it, business personal property (BPP) coverage will cover all of the things that would fall out of your building if you turned it upside down and shook it. Some exclusions can apply to this coverage but generally speaking, this is where you will find the coverage for your equipment, inventory, furniture and other items.
A standard commercial property policy will not cover flood for your property. A separate policy will be needed for flood coverage and lucky for you our team works with our speciality carriers daily to find the best flood coverage options for our clients' businesses.
Additional Coverages To Consider
A commercial property policy is a great starting point for protecting your business, but you can enhance your policy with additional commercial insurance options that meet the specific needs of your business. Below are some of the common additional coverages that our clients will need to best protect their business.​​​
Liability Insurance
(Errors & Ommissions)​
Employment practices
Liability Insurance
Director & Officers